In a growing business, you are going to have to employ people. Many business owners turn to long surveys and psychological analysis to choose the correct staff.
But, this is all a waste of time and, as a business owner, you don’t have time to waste.
Here are my golden rules for employing the best staff.
Gut Feel
You will know this within the first five minutes of looking at the person and talking to them. This is why in-person interviews are vital. You’ll be able to see if their persona is going to match the culture of your business and gel with your other colleagues.
70-80% of people you interview will be within the good gut feel.
As you talk further with them in the interview, you will learn about their experience and references, and all the other key information that will set them apart from other potentials.
If the gut feel is positive and the resume is solid, you could be onto something good.
Orchestra Stalls
Excuse me for being a fuddy duddy with the name of this one. Orchestra Stalls rhymes with… balls.
This is what you’ll need during the first six months of employing the new staff member.
The first six months is what I consider the ‘real’ interview.
You should put all new staff members onto an employment contract where their first six months is a trial.
Perhaps within a week, or a month, or five months, you will understand whether this person fits the role and workplace.
If they don’t, use your balls to say goodbye.
It’s important to note that it is never the person’s fault. The job role maybe a round hole and you’re looking for a round peg, and they’re a square peg. But that is not their fault – it’s just the way it is.
If it is not working in the first six months, be upfront and honest with them. Take a box of Kleenex. Be brave, even though it is incredibly tough.
Employing brilliant staff is not rocket science, and doesn’t involve crazy processes. Just take these two tips on board and you’ll be surrounding yourself with a strong team.